Posts Categorized: Health

Ashley River Sweep | Bob Jackson

Ashley River Sweep A Success!

This is a guest blog from Howard Bridgman. American Rivers and a diverse group of local partners are developing a Blue Trail for the Ashley River in South Carolina. Guest blogger Howard Bridgman, former Summerville Town Council member and founding member of the Ashley Scenic River Advisory Council, writes about our work to connect local communities to the river through recreation and finding ways to ensure its long-term health.
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Fay on the Eagle River, CO

Staying Fit in the Great Outdoors

Innovative solutions like Blue Trails can help communities stay healthy and address nature-deficit disorder.

I love summer – endless sunshine and spending most, if not all, of my free time outside. There are new places to discover – backyards, parks, and rivers to name a few – that become my favorite summer spots. Exploring the great outdoors isn’t only fun but it helps me stay fit and healthy.
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